Press data

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,

Welcome to the new press area of teNeues Verlag!

In order to use this area and its features, please register first.
Once registered, you will have access to the press material on our products at any time.

After successful registration or login, you will be taken to the press area. There you will find a central overview of current new publications. Alternatively, you can use the search bar to search directly for a product from the teNeues Verlag portfolio by book title, keyword, author's name, photographer's name, EAN or ISBN number.
In addition, there is a sidebar where you can use the functions "All titles" and "Authors" to generate further overviews and start an alphabetical search.

Once you have found the desired product, you will be shown the product view, which has been expanded to include press materials. The materials usually comprise several documents - such as a press release, a picture overview and a corresponding info sheet with credits and captions - as well as the press pictures. The image material is available in a resolution of 300 dpi.

For a book review or story, ten press images, the book cover and the author portrait are available free of charge up to a maximum image size of 1/2 page each. The reproduction of the press images is only permitted in connection with a book review including mention of the book title, the ISBN number and the corresponding copyrights in the inside section, not on the title or to illustrate another topic. The images may not be cropped, overlaid with text or altered in any other way. Texts may only be quoted with reference to the source. The images are only intended for a book review in the medium you specified - when registering. The images may not be passed on to third parties - not even to journals/magazines of the same publisher. Graphical alteration of the image material (cropping or use of cut-outs) is not permitted. Feeding the images into electronic systems for any purpose other than book review is prohibited. If the copyrights are not transferred for technical reasons, please let us know so that we can send them to you separately.

If you are interested in larger illustrations, additional image material or an image on the cover, please contact us, as this requires the express permission of the authors or photographers and teNeues Verlag and may be subject to a fee.

Under no circumstances is it permitted to scan, photograph or film the images from the book. We reserve the right to charge for unauthorised publications.

Thank you in advance for sending a PDF or other digital proof after publication to:


Press contact

Press DE

Daniel Schäfer
PR Manager

Press US, UK & Ireland

Carol Leggett
CAROL LEGGETT PUBLIC RELATIONS 39 West 14th Street, Suite # 405 New York, NY 10011
Telephone: +212-727-2155
Mobile: +917-575-2157